To generate returns that are commensurate (before fees and expenses) with the performance of the Nifty100 Quality 30 Index (TRI), subject to tracking error. There is no assurance that the investment objective of the Scheme will be achieved.
HDFC Nifty100 Quality 30 Index Fund will be managed passively with investments in stocks comprising the Underlying Index subject to tracking error. The investment strategy would revolve around reducing the tracking error to the least possible through regular rebalancing of the portfolio, taking into account the change in weights of stocks in the Index as well as the incremental collections/redemptions in the Scheme. A part of the funds may be invested in debt and money market instruments, to meet liquidity requirements. Since the Scheme is index fund, it will only invest in securities constituting the Underlying Index. However, due to corporate action in companies comprising the index, the Scheme may be allocated/allotted securities which are not part of the index. Such holdings would be rebalanced within 7 Calendar Days from the date of allotment / listing of such securities. As part of the Fund Management process, the Scheme may use derivative instruments such as index futures and options, or any other derivative instruments that are permissible or may be permissible in future under applicable regulations. However, trading in derivatives by the Scheme shall be for restricted purposes as permitted by the regulations. For detailed derivative strategies, please refer to SAI. For exposure limits to derivatives, refer section here will the scheme invest` under Section II, Part II, Clause A. Subject to the Regulations and the applicable guidelines, the Scheme may engage in Stock Lending activities. The Scheme may also invest in the debt schemes of Mutual Funds in terms of the prevailing SEBI (MF) Regulations.