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Balrampur Chini Mills Ltd. is a sugar manufacturing company, having a market capitalization of worth Rs. 5,389.65 Cr as of 16 April 2021. The company was incorporated in 1975. The company has reported its consolidated quarterly revenue of Rs 47412.94 Cr at the end of March 2020. The company is found listed in the Bombay Stock Exchange (BSE) with the code 500038 and also listed on National Stock Exchange (NSE) with the symbol BALRAMCHIN. The company claims to be the second-largest integrated company to manufacture sugar in India. Having ten factories in Uttar Pradesh, the company boasts about its capacity to crush 76'500 tons of canes. The company's distilleries possess a capacity of 520 kilolitres per day. It has a saleable cogeneration capacity to produce 165.20 megawatts. Balrampur Chini Mills Ltd. is counted as one of the most streamlined and the largest integrated sugar manufacturing companies in India. On 3 February 2021, the company announced that its Long-term Debt-Equity ratio stood at 0.17 as of 31 December 2020. The company's key Products/Revenue Segments include Sugar, Industrial Alcohol, Molasses, Ethanol, Power and Bagasse. In the year 2020, the company decided to set up a new distillery unit to increase the capacity of its distilleries by adding 320 KLPD, due to which the total capacity will be 840 KLPD. In this direction, the company decided to set up its 5th distillery at its Maizapur Unit. With the expansion of ethanol production, the industry stands out in the sector, which promises a strong growth in revenue & unswerving profitability, which would mean more payout yield. The company announced that its Long-term Debt-Equity ratio stood at 0.17 as of 31 December 2020. The company has secured a high credit quality LA rating from the rating agency ICRA to its Rs 8.41 billion long-term debt program and Rs 6.2 billion fund based bank limits, and an A1 rating to the Rs 685 million non-fund based limits of the company. It's also worth remembering that on 10 April 2021, the group confirmed that The Credit Rating Agency, ICRA Limited, has reaffirmed the long-term [ICRA] AA and short-term [ICRA]A1 Credit Ratings. Nonetheless, the long-term rating's outlook has been upgraded from stable to positive.
Balrampur Chini Mills share price as on 12 Feb 2025 is Rs. 444.65. Over the past 6 months, the Balrampur Chini Mills share price has decreased by 9.44% and in the last one year, it has increased by 19.29%. The 52-week low for Balrampur Chini Mills share price was Rs. 343.5 and 52-week high was Rs. 691.8.
You can buy Balrampur Chini Mills Ltd shares through a brokerage firm. ICICIdirect is a registered broker through which you can place orders to buy Balrampur Chini Mills Ltd Share.
Company share prices and volatile and keep changing according to the market conditions. As of Feb 11, 2025 03:47 PM the closing price of Balrampur Chini Mills Ltd was Rs.444.65.
The latest PE ratio of Balrampur Chini Mills Ltd as of Feb 11, 2025 03:47 PM is 22.56
The latest PB ratio of Balrampur Chini Mills Ltd as of Feb 11, 2025 03:47 PM is 0.38
The 52-week high of Balrampur Chini Mills Ltd share price is Rs. 691.80 while the 52-week low is Rs. 343.50
According to analyst recommendations, Balrampur Chini Mills Ltd Share has a "Buy" rating for the long term.
Market capitalization or market cap is determined by multiplying the current market price of a company's shares with the total number of shares outstanding. As of Feb 11, 2025 03:47 PM, the market cap of Balrampur Chini Mills Ltd stood at Rs. 8,977.57 Cr.
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