If there are other non-eATM trades in the same settlement, the payment or receipt of funds for those trades will be credited/debited separately on the normal payout or payin day respectively.
For instance:
Case 1:
eATM Sell: Rs 3,000
Cash Sell: Rs 2,000
Suppose the eATM withheld amount is Rs 30 then Rs 2,970 (3000-30 = 2970) will be credited in your account within 5 minutes of order execution. . The remaining 1% of this transaction will be credited as normal payout after deducting brokerage and statutory charges. However, for the second transaction the total amount of Rs 2,000 will be credited on the normal payout day.
Case 2:
eATM Sell: Rs 3,000
Cash Buy: Rs 4,000
Suppose the eATM withheld amount is Rs 30 then Rs 2,970 (3000-30 = 2970) will be credited in your account within 5 minutes of order execution. . The remaining 1% of this transaction will be credited as normal payout after deducting brokerage and statutory charges. For the second transaction Rs 4,000 will be debited on the T day.