Sundaram Finance Ltd is in the Finance sector, and it is having a market capitalization worth Rs. 28,845.38 crores, it is incorporated in the year 1954. It has reported consolidated sales of Rs. 1,257.13 crores in June’2021. The company is listed on the Bombay Stock Exchange (BSE) with the code 590071, and also listed on the National Stock Exchange (NSE) with the code SUNDARMFIN.
The company has diversified its business with operations in various divisions such as Mutual Funds, Housing Finance, General Insurance, IT, BPO, and Retail Distribution. The company has received an "AAA" (Highest Degree of Safety) rating from ICRA and CRISIL. Its short-term borrowing s have received an A1+ rating by both ICRA and CRISIL. Sundaram Finance is also the first NBFC to get listed on the Madras Stock Exchange. The company is mainly involved in the hire, purchase and lease financing of Commercial vehicles. In addition, Sundaram is involved in numerous community-focused activities to promote health, education, environment preservation, etc. The promoters of the company own 55.59% of the stake, Foreign Institutional Investors (FII) own 0.17% stake in the company, Domestic Institutional Investors (DII) own 6.34% stake in the company, and others (such as public & retail investors) hold the balance of 37.90%.
In June 2021, quarterly net revenue was Rs. 950.14 crores, which has increased marginally by approximately 0.14 % from Rs. 948.81 crores for the April-June 2020 quarter. The quarterly net profit in June 2021 was Rs. 191.58 crores, which has improved and increased by nearly 15.63% from a net profit of Rs. 165.68 crores in June 2020. In June 2021, the reported operating profit was at Rs. 915.58 crores, which is increased by 0.33% as compared to an operating profit of Rs. 912.57 crores for the quarter ending in June 2020. From an EPS of Rs. 14.91 in June 2020, the EPS of Sundaram Finance Ltd has improved and reached an EPS of Rs. 17.24 per share in June 2021. SUNDARMFIN's stock closed at Rs. 2,596.25 on 26th August’2021 (NSE). Sundaram Finance Ltd has returned 3.9% in the last six months and returned 72.51% positively in the previous year.
Sundaram Finance share price as on 09 Sep 2024 is Rs. 4828.4. Over the past 6 months, the Sundaram Finance share price has increased by 14.97% and in the last one year, it has increased by 84.28%. The 52-week low for Sundaram Finance share price was Rs. 2619.45 and 52-week high was Rs. 5166.