Gabriel India Ltd is in the Auto Ancillaries sector is having a market capitalization worth Rs. 1,985.16 crores, it was incorporated in the year 1961. It has reported standalone sales of Rs. 1,699.94 crores in March’2021. The company is listed on the Bombay Stock Exchange (BSE) with the code 505714, and also listed on the National Stock Exchange (NSE) with the code GABRIEL.
Gabriel India was initially established as a manufacturer of shock absorbers. Today, the company is a leading maker of shock absorbers, struts, and front forks, among other automotive ride control elements. The ride control part is manufactured across the country in its six plants located in the districts of Mulund, Nasik, Pune, Dewas, Hosur, and Gurgaon. Gabriel India has also established an engine bearing division that produces products such as bimetal bearing bushes and thrust washers in the Parwanoo plant located in Himachal Pradesh. The company receives technological support from its global collaborators like KYB Corporation, Yamaha Moto Hydraulic Company Ltd, and KONI. The promoters of the company own 55.0% of the stake in the company, Foreign Institutional Investors (FII) own 3.28%, Domestic Institutional Investors (DII) own 6.76% stake in the company, and others (such as public & retail investors) hold the balance of 34.96%.
In June 2021, quarterly net revenue was Rs. 453.58 crores, which has increased sharply by approximately 269.21% from Rs. 122.85 crores for the April-June 2020 quarter. The quarterly net profit in June 2021 was Rs. 12.0 crores, which has improved sharply by nearly 150.46% from a net loss of Rs. 23.78 crores in June 2020. In June 2021, the reported operating profit was at Rs. 406.45 crores, which is also increased by 284.60% as compared to an operating profit of Rs. 105.68 crores for the quarter ending in June 2020. From a negative EPS of Rs. 1.66 in June 2020, the EPS of Gabriel India Ltd has improved and reached Rs. 0.84 per share in June 2021. GABRIELs stock closed at Rs. 136.75 on 24th August’2021 (NSE) and has given a return of 17.69% in the last six months and returned 33.22% in the previous year.
Gabriel India share price as on 08 Sep 2024 is Rs. 519.55. Over the past 6 months, the Gabriel India share price has increased by 50.94% and in the last one year, it has increased by 57.99%. The 52-week low for Gabriel India share price was Rs. 271.55 and 52-week high was Rs. 559.55.