Gujarat Alkalies & Chemicals announced Q1FY24 results:
- Sales Turnover of Rs 892.32 crore as against the Sales Turnover of Rs 1,106.62 crore during Q1FY24.
- EBIDTA for Q1FY24 stands at Rs 66.50 crore as against EBIDTA at Rs 387.65 crore, about Q1FY23.
- Loss Before Tax for Q1FY24 stands at Rs.33.47 crore as against the Profit Before Tax at Rs 336.26 crore, about Q1FY23.
- The sharp decline in profit before tax for Q1FY24 compared to Q4FY23 and Q1FY23 is mainly on account of the overall adverse market condition of the Caustic-Chlorine industry leading to a substantial reduction in price in both domestic and international markets resulting in a net loss.
- Hydrazine Hydrate, Chloromethane, and Phosphoric Acid Projects are under stabilization after their commissioning during the last year.