- 11 Apr 2022
- ICICIdirect Research
ABB - 6280 Change: -1.55 (-0.02 %)News: ABB India has expanded its Gujarat factory to meet growing global demand for digital systems and substation products. The manufacturing portfolio includes products like relays while the solutions range from centralised protection and control systems, distribution automation, to bus transfer systems and arc protection for the electrical distribution network. These products are deployed across multiple industries from cement, steel, oil & gas, utilities (power distribution companies), and renewable energy projects. The facility manufactures four variants or series of relays, constituting a significant portion of ABB’s portfolio of this product. ABB is one of the first in the industry to have automated the entire testing sequence. India’s domestic electrical equipment market is estimated to reach $72 billion and exports to $13 billion by 2025, as per reports by The Indian Electrical & Electronics Manufacturers’ Association (IEEMA)
Views: India is projected to be among top three energy consumers of the world by 2030 and currently is the fifth largest consumer. This exponential increase in demand followed by the mix of diversified and distributed energy sources has increased the requirement for quality power equipment manufacturing in India. ABB’s wide portfolio and future-proof technology has a significant role to play in supporting this growing demand
Impact: Positive