To generate income through investing predominantly in AA+ and above rated corporate bonds while maintaining the optimum balance of yield, safety and liquidity. Investors are required to read all the scheme related information set out in the offer documents carefully and also note that there can be no assurance that the investment objectives of the scheme will be realized. The scheme does not guarantee/ indicate any returns.
The Scheme aims to generate income by predominantly investing in AA+ and above rated bonds. The Scheme shall endeavor to develop a well - diversi�fied portfolio of debt (including securitized debt) and other instruments. The Scheme may also invest in the schemes of Mutual Funds. The Scheme may also invest in the hybrid securities viz. units of REITS and INvITs for diversi�fication and subject to necessary stipulations by SEBI from time to time. Though every endeavor will be made to achieve the objective of the Scheme, the AMC/Sponsors/Trustee do not guarantee that the investment objective of the Scheme will be achieved. No guaranteed returns are being offered under the Scheme.