The investment objective of the Scheme is to generate returns corresponding to the total returns of the securities as represented by the Nifty G-Sec Jun 2027 Index before expenses, subject to tracking errors. The Scheme does not guarantee/indicate any returns. There can be no assurance that the objective of the Scheme will be achieved.
The Scheme seeks to track the Nifty G-Sec Jun 2027 Index subject to tracking errors. Accordingly, the Scheme will invest in debt instruments in line with the underlying Index of the scheme. The maturity of the Scheme will be June 30, 2027 ("Maturity Date") of the Scheme and will distribute all of its maturity proceeds (Net Assets) to the Unitholders within 10 (Ten) Business days from the date of maturity of the Scheme, in line with current regulatory timelines. The Scheme will follow Buy & Hold investment strategy in which existing bonds will be held till maturity unless sold for meeting redemptions, rebalancing requirement or optimizing portfolio construction process. The portfolio of eligible securities invested by the Scheme shall have, in aggregate, fundamental characteristics such as modified duration, weighted average maturity, aggregate credit ratings, aggregate Yield To Maturity (YTM) etc. along with other liquidity parameters in line with Nifty G-Sec Jun 2027 Index. The Scheme may or may not hold all of the eligible securities which are part of Nifty G-Sec Jun 2027 Index. The Scheme`s exposure to money market instruments will be in line with the asset allocation table.