
Personalized Portfolio Alerts

With uncertainties prevailing in the market, staying updated on your portfolio can help you take advantage of various opportunities coming your way. If you miss out on these updates, it can be a missed opportunity to gain from these market movements.
Understanding this need, we have auto enabled the Customized Alerts facility for you.
Customized Alerts is a facility which helps you to stay updated on events and opportunities coming across on the stocks that you hold in your portfolio. Few of such events can be:

  • Your stock touching 52 week high or low
  • Stock moving up or down by 5% in a single day
  • Stock becoming eligible for long term capital gains
  • Alerts on Nifty50 stocks
  • Updates on Bulk and Block deals
  • Updates on Promoter Activity on stocks you hold
  • Corporate Announcements on stocks you hold

To get customized alerts on the go, all you need is to download the ICICIdirect Mobile App and you will start receiving these updates automatically.