The investment objective of the scheme is to generate long term capital appreciation by investing in a diversified portfolio of equity and equity related instruments, debt and money market instruments, Exchange Traded Commodity Derivatives / Units of Gold ETFs, Silver ETF & units of REITs/InvITs. There is no assurance that the investment objective of the scheme will be achieved.
The Scheme will follow active investment strategy by having at least 20% allocation to Equities and 10% allocation in Debt, Gold, Silver (or other Commodities) respectively at all times. For the balance, the scheme shall dynamically allocate it`s based on market conditions. The asset class allocation for the Scheme is as follows: Equity and equity-related instruments will comprise between 20% and 80% of net assets. Debt and money market instruments will be allocated between 10% and 80%. Gold or Silver ETF & Gold related instruments will account for 10% to 80% of net assets. Exchange-Traded Commodity Derivatives will account for 0% to 30% and Units issued by REITs and InvITs may constitute up to 10% of net assets.