

The below blog is an update regarding the process for placing physical delivery requests. 

Old Process for Placing Physical Delivery Requests: 

You could place your physical delivery requests on Stock Futures and Options by visiting the open position page from 9 am to 11 am on the current monthly expiry day. 

New Process for Placing Physical Delivery Requests: 

Effective immediately, you can place your physical delivery requests on Stock Futures and Options for the current monthly expiry by visiting the open position page during the following timeframe:

• Start Date: From Friday (T-5 days before expiry) at 9:00 AM

• End Date: Until Thursday (expiry day) at 11:00 AM 

Important Instructions: 

  • Sufficient Margins and Funds/Shares: Please ensure that you maintain sufficient margins and the necessary funds or shares in your trading and demat accounts to meet your delivery obligations. If these are not adequately maintained, your position may be squared off before expiry, and no delivery will occur in such cases.
  • Provisional Blocking: The provisional funds/securities blocking process can be initiated at any time after 11:00 AM on the expiry day. If adequate funds/shares are not available in your trading/demat accounts respectively, the contract position will be marked for Non-Delivery (‘N’) and squared off before expiry.
  • If there is trading holiday in between T-5 days before expiry then the start date and the end date may change accordingly.
  • Margin requirement including physical delivery margin will apply as is during T-5 days (physical delivery margin period) and position may get squared off, if margin is not maintained as per requirement. 

We believe this change will enhance the efficiency and convenience of managing your physical delivery requests.

